Using wahlversprechen as an Editor

Markdown Formatting

When writing updates on campaign promises, you can use Markdown to format your texts. Markdown is a very simple text format that remains legible, even when it is not rendered as HTML. See the reference guide for more information. Here is an example:

# This would be a top level heading

And this is a short first paragraph with *italic* text and **bold** text.

## This is a second-level heading

Links, e.g., [CNN]( are quick to write as well.

- When you need lists,
- just write a list.

Rendered as HTML it looks like this:

This would be a top level heading

And this is a short first paragraph with italic text and bold text.

This is a second-level heading

Links, e.g., CNN are quick to write as well.

  • When you need lists,
  • just write a list.

Embedding Images

The site stylesheets have minimal support for embedding images. At the moment, the site does not support image upload, so you have to store all images yourself, e.g. on Dropbox. Use the following template to get a centered image with caption text:

<div class="img">
        <img src="">
        <p>Insert caption here</p>

Embedding Charts

While most text formatting can and should be done with Markdown, HTML can be used to embed charts e.g. can be used to create embeddedable, interactive charts to visualize important statistics.

Once you’ve created a chart with datawrapper or most other charting websites, the chart can be embedded using HTML code similar to the following:

<iframe src=""
width="600" height="400">

where is the address of the chart you’ve just created. For best results, this should be changed slightly to

<iframe src=""
width="100%" height="400">

Please <a href="">click here to see the chart</a>.


Note that width="600" was changed to width="100%" which allows the chart to always occupy 100% of the available screen width on a large computer screen as well as on a small phone screen. See here for an example. The height must be a fixed value. 300 or 400 work fine.

The additional line Please <a href="">click here to see the chart</a>. is shown in environments that will not display the embedded charts, for example most RSS feed readers. It refers the reader to the website where he can see the chart.