Exporting Data in JSON

JSON Endpoints

  • /json/tags a list of all existing tags:

  • /json/categories an list of all existing categories:

  • /json/authors a list of all authors (e.g. “Government”, “Election Program 2012”):

            {"id":1,"name":"Coalition Treaty","ordering":1,"top_level":true,"color":"#ffffff","background":"#999999"},
  • /json/items/{author.name} get the list of all promises made by author with the given name:

                    "title":"This statement's title",
                    "quote":"\"Whatever he said\"",
                    "quote_src":"[Here's where he or she said it](http://cnn.com)",
                    "author":"Coalition Treaty",
                    "tags":["EU","Research","Foreign Languages"],
  • /json/item/{id} promise with id, also returns the text entries posted on the site:

            "title":"This statement's title",
            "quote":"\"Whatever he said\"",
            "quote_src":"[Here's where he or she said it](http://cnn.com)",
            "author":"Coalition Treaty",
            "tags":["EU","Research","Foreign Languages"],
                            "content":"# The text entry in Markdown formatting.\n May contain raw HTML too if the site is so configured.",
  • /json/item/{id}/relatedurls?[limit=x&offset=y] get the list of web pages related to promise id, returns at most limit results starting at result offset in chronologically backwards order. Both limit and offset are optional.:

                    "title":"Shocker: Many Europeans speak several languages",
  • /json/relatedurls?from=from_date[&to=to_date] get the list of web pages related to campaign promises found between from_date (inclusive) and to_date (exclusive) ordered by last seen date in ascending order. from_date and to_date must be of the form “YYMMDD”. Thus requesting /json/relatedurls?from=20140529&to=20140910 might result in

                    "title":"Shocker: Many Europeans speak several languages",