Setup Guide


Database Configuration

  • Start the PostgresSQL console psql
  • Create a new user CREATE ROLE wahlversprechen WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '' or a password of your choice instead of an empty password
  • Create a database: CREATE DATABASE wahlversprechen WITH OWNER wahlversprechen;
  • And create a database to run the test suite: CREATE DATABASE wahlversprechen_test WITH OWNER wahlversprechen;

wahlversprechen Configuration

  • Clone the repository including submodules git clone –recursive
  • (optional) In `conf/application.conf` search for `db.default.password` and set it to the password you’ve assigned your wahlversprechen user if it wasn’t an empty password
  • (optional) if your database is running on another machine, search for `db.default.url` and replace `localhost` with that machine’s hostname

Start Play

  • From the terminal, cd to the folder you’ve cloned the wahlversprechen repository into.
  • Start play from this folder by typing your equivalent of pathtoplay2.2/play
  • In the play console that should appear, type run -Dhttp.port=9000 -Dhttps.port=9001
  • In the browser, go to localhost:9000 and you should see a message “Database ‘default’ needs evolution”, press “Apply this script now”. This will create the necessary database tables.
  • Now you should see a completely empty version of the app.

What to do next?

That’s it.